Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sending Christmas cards
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
a lot to do...
ok, well i have a lot to do today so i can't post too much, but we had Olivia's blessing yesterday. ben starts his new job next week and will be working on sunday so we weren't sure when the next sunday would be to do it. but it was really nice. Ben did a good job. it was a little scary being out with her. we haven't really taken her a bunch of places. my mom made the dress and it looked really nice!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
off to bed!
it is 1145pm and i am just now going to bed. 10 months ago, i was in bed everynight by 9pm. this sleeping schedule is totally different than what i am used to, but i wouldn't change it for anything. Lily is wonderful and i love her more and more. even when she is crying, i love hearing it! and i LOVE being able to sleep on my back!!!
ben and i have decided that her favorite place to sleep is on my chest. after i feed her and i am in the process of burping her, she always falls asleep, and will stay that way. one night i just layed down with her on my chest, and we took a nap together. it is a great feeling.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
We love her!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
She arrived....
I was exhausted...and still am. but she came and we love her!!
so i checked in about 9am, got in the room and they started with a vaginal tablet. i had to lay there for 2 hours before they would check me again. then ben got there about 20 min later and just hung out with me. after the 2 hrs, we went to walk around for a while to get things going. well i came back and i was only to a 3. so they upped the induction to an insert. i had to lay there for another 2 hours....still in pain because the baby put so much pressure on my hips, and i am in an uncomfortable hospital bed. after that, only dialated to a 4. about 6pm, started on pitocin. that got things going quickly.... Olivia was face up, so i started into back labor. that was the deal breaker for getting the epidural. i really wanted to see how far i could go with out it. that did'nt last long. i received that about 830pm....around 11pm, it wore off....WORST PAIN OF MY LIFE! the dr came back around 130am and did another epidural. that was wonderful! i was totally numb from the mid waist down. normally it would bother me, but the back labor was so painful, this allowed me to sleep through the night. around 430am the nurse checked me and i was dialated to a 7, went back to sleep. 7am, the nurse checked me and she said, ok there is the head...we are ready to push. so ben woke up, and called my mom. she met us there and we started pushing about 715 and she was born 10/30/09 at 904 am. Ben was so excited once the nurse said it was time to push. he was so tired the night before, and once that nurse mentioned pushing, he jumped right up and had a huge smile on his face.
other than the pain, the worst part was the vomiting. i think it was from the pitocin. i am not a big medication person. so between that and the 2 epidurals, i threw up quite a bit. once being in the middle of labor. i was pushing so hard, all the water i drank to keep my mouth wet came right back up. but it was worth every minute. Olivia came out crying on her own. she was healthy and so alert when she came out. they rested her on my chest and it was just amazing to know that she was mine and i helped create her. She looks SO much like Ben. she is just a cutie. I had GSB (Strep B) for the pregnancy so i was on anti-biotics for the labor and the drs wanted to monitor Olivia to make sure she didn't get it. but we left today about 1230 and she was doing just fine. it is nice to have her home. ben is off work until wed and so we are looking forward to spending time with our new family. we will show her off soon enough, but we are loving her and the whole process of getting to knowing her.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
i thought this explains it pretty good.... :)

well today is the day! we haven't had Olivia yet. she is taking her time.. i went walking for about an hour today and nothing! if i haven't had her by monday the dr is going to induce we will see what happens. and the hospital bag is all packed..including my camera. so there won't be any new pictures until the baby comes!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
elephant feet

well i am to the point of being sick of my feet being swollen....but i have eight days left until my due date... i am excited to get this baby out. we are ready for her. the nursery is done, we have a TON of clothes, and ben and i are just ready to meet our addition. i am having contractions... but we will see what the dr says tomorrow...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Super Saturday and my walls...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

well friends i have started a new adventure. I have started reading a lot more in the last few months and i LOVE it! i know that my desire for reading in the past has really been non existent, but since we got pregnant, i have read some really good books. so i have decided to keep on with my latest desire. I know that might change some when Lily comes along, but i will still try to get some reading in every day. I just finished the Baby wise book. MAGNIFICENT! i will definately give the schedule thing a try. hopefully i can get some sleep too. with anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks left, i have decided to start reading Emma, Jane Austen. This actually has me very excited. i have seen the movie( with gweneth paltrow) but it was so long ago. i don't even remember the story all that well. I have begun this journey and i can't wait.
yes i did say 2-4 weeks. I went to the dr yesterday and he said that he didn't want the baby to get too big, so he might induce me early. Well she is at 6.12 lbs right now, and i was 9.2 lbs, ben was around 8 lbs, so i expected a 8 or 9 lb baby. well i am not complaining though, i would love to have her come early! it would just make everything else grand! we will see. i am hoping that Heavenly Father will have mercy on me, and help me go into labor early, rather than being induced. it does kind of scare me. i just don't want it to make things get harder or longer....ya know? anywho....back to Emma.
Monday, September 28, 2009
new camera...

i have been looking for a while now to get a new camera. i have wanted one before the baby comes so that we could get some really good pictures and so on. well i finally went to best buy and got one! i love this camera. it takes WONDERFUL pictures and it was on sale. that was the best part! so we will definately have more pictures on the way!
Monday, September 21, 2009
baby room...
we are almost fully done with the baby room. when ben and i got married, my grandma gave me a quilt that she had for over 20 years and it was made by my grandpas mother or is beautiful. it is hand quilted....i didn't want it to get dirty so i am going to hang it on the wall. so i have yet to do that. but other than that, here is the closest finished product.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
I love fall!
well i know this is a little early but i changed my backround for fall. i love this time of year. it is my favorite. i love going to HS football games, smelling the fresh air, and seeing all the trees change color. they haven't really changed all that much here in chico, but it is september and i know they will soon. today also means that we have about a month left before Olivia arrives. we are excited. the crib finally did come. it is in pieces in the front room, but ben bought some mountain dews, and him and aaron are going to put the set together we will update soon!
Monday, September 7, 2009
the baby and the blanket...
I finally finished the baby took me a while but it is DONE!!! i am happy about this one!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
a little annoyed!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Olivia Ann's first picture.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
a 4 step program...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
why i haven't blogged so much....

i have been working on crocheting a baby blanket. it takes a lot of time. it isn't hard, just time consuming. so when i am home, i have been trying to get these squares done. but as soon as this is finished, i will be back to life and blogging more.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
ft bragg and tahoe

old cake pic
Friday, June 26, 2009
A new adventure embarks...
Well as many of you know, or don't know, i have done hair now for about 8 years. i LOVE doing hair. i have been at Jecca's Hair Salon for the past 3 years, and i felt like it was time for a change. My friend Vicki Hair( i know, her name is irronic) ownes a salon here in chico, and she had an opening. i was excited to talk to her about it. we came upon a plan that worked for us. well she had an opening for a part time booth and that is what i needed. so i took her up on it. it is actually at 2nd Street Salon on 2nd street, of course. it is a great salon. there are about 6 girls there. so i know it will be fun and i can learn a lot from the other girls. 2 of the girls i worked with when i first got out of beauty school. we all worked together at Laura's Wig and Beauty. that was probably the most awful place i have ever worked( as far as doing hair). So i will be starting there July 15th. I am really excited. i just finished designing my business all can check them out. i like them, of course.

So for the future, if you want to come in and see me...give me a call!
on another topic, the baby is doing great. i am feeling her kick now, and it is getting more and more exciting. we are going to be painting next month and getting more and more ready!! until next month!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A little behind....
Ok, i know that i have been behind in this blog. and i am sorry about that. i would like to do more, i just have been so lazy when it comes to spending time on this and taking pictures and downloading them and all... i know that will change when we have Olivia. Oh, by the way, all of you that aren't on Facebook, we are going to name our little baby girl Olivia Ann and call her Lily. we are really excited for her. She is due to arrive Oct. 27th and i feel like i am just growing and growing. sometimes i don't even remember i am pregnant until i have to go to sleep at night and i can't sleep on my back( which i HATE!!!! i am a back sleeper), needless to say, another reason that i can't wait for this baby to arrive so i can go back to sleeping on my back...or when i go to put on clothes and they used to fit and all of the sudden they don't fit over my boobs or belly. amazing huh?!? or when i walk up the stairs to our apartment and i am TOTALLY out of breath when i get to the top. anywho...
So i want to get back into blogging....and i will. i am going to start the next day or so. i will start taking more pictures and downloading them, plus i want to update you all, if you really care, about our situations and the progress of the baby room and such. so until then, i will post soon!
*** on a side note, i know that some of you have such cute fonts for your titles and do i get those??**
So i want to get back into blogging....and i will. i am going to start the next day or so. i will start taking more pictures and downloading them, plus i want to update you all, if you really care, about our situations and the progress of the baby room and such. so until then, i will post soon!
*** on a side note, i know that some of you have such cute fonts for your titles and do i get those??**
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
well all, we went to the temple this weekend to be sealed!! i must admit, i am pretty happy we are finally sealed! it has been a long road. our pictures are getting ready as we speak...but if you want to check out sneak can go to wendy mayo's page on here and check it out!!! thanks again for EVERYONE that came. we really appriciate it!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Cakes Cakes and Cakes!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009
well well...

this past week has been rough! we moved in to our new apartment. it is nice to have a small place. we just didn't realize how much CRAP we have! anywho..i took this past week off of work so that i could move and clean and all that...well, this by far has been the worst week ever! i could only clean and move for about 2 hrs before i had to lay down and pull the bucket next to me. i can't eat anything, and then i am starving! the only thing that sounded semi good last night was cheez-its. ben got me some saltines and they have been heaven today for my first day back at work. it was nice to have a week off though. ben just kept telling me not to get used to it. anywho...i feel better today..and i hope it gets better. 3 weeks to go and i will be in the 2nd trimester. as soon as we actually get everything put away, i will post pics of our apartment. just because we moved doesn't mean that we have everything in its place. :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
my baby!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
We are finally moving to Chico! i am so excited! i will be sure to take pictures when we get settled in and everything decorated!!! can't wait!
Monday, February 23, 2009
baby stuff...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
newest news!

well after much time....well after about 6 months of me trying to get ben on the band wagon, and then him acutally agreeing that it was time, then of 4 months trying and after about 20 tests...we are finally pregnant. we are both way excited. it is definatly time for that new adventure in our lives. now as long as everything goes well, we are due in october. my first drs appt is on wed. so we will keep everyone updated.
this is ben excited. this isn't exactly what he looked like when i told him but he was a good sport for the camera.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
New Bedding!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I hate the snow!!
it is snowing in paradise right now and i just want everyone to know how much i hate it!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
ok everyone...well i am retarded and i didn't take one picture of christmas or new years... so i am sorry but i have nothing to post. i am really busy though. i am trying to get everything ready. we are trying to make some big changes in our lives. i am trying to really build up my salon clientele, so i can work in there more. we are getting ready to move to chico here in about 2 months and not sure where we are going to go. so we have a lot of kinks to work out. but i will keep you posted. i have been playing a lot on the computer lately trying to make new business cards. i will let you know when i have the finished product! thanks for reading....
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