I was exhausted...and still am. but she came and we love her!!
so i checked in about 9am, got in the room and they started with a vaginal tablet. i had to lay there for 2 hours before they would check me again. then ben got there about 20 min later and just hung out with me. after the 2 hrs, we went to walk around for a while to get things going. well i came back and i was only to a 3. so they upped the induction to an insert. i had to lay there for another 2 hours....still in pain because the baby put so much pressure on my hips, and i am in an uncomfortable hospital bed. after that, only dialated to a 4. about 6pm, started on pitocin. that got things going quickly.... Olivia was face up, so i started into back labor. that was the deal breaker for getting the epidural. i really wanted to see how far i could go with out it. that did'nt last long. i received that about 830pm....around 11pm, it wore off....WORST PAIN OF MY LIFE! the dr came back around 130am and did another epidural. that was wonderful! i was totally numb from the mid waist down. normally it would bother me, but the back labor was so painful, this allowed me to sleep through the night. around 430am the nurse checked me and i was dialated to a 7, went back to sleep. 7am, the nurse checked me and she said, ok there is the head...we are ready to push. so ben woke up, and called my mom. she met us there and we started pushing about 715 and she was born 10/30/09 at 904 am. Ben was so excited once the nurse said it was time to push. he was so tired the night before, and once that nurse mentioned pushing, he jumped right up and had a huge smile on his face.
other than the pain, the worst part was the vomiting. i think it was from the pitocin. i am not a big medication person. so between that and the 2 epidurals, i threw up quite a bit. once being in the middle of labor. i was pushing so hard, all the water i drank to keep my mouth wet came right back up. but it was worth every minute. Olivia came out crying on her own. she was healthy and so alert when she came out. they rested her on my chest and it was just amazing to know that she was mine and i helped create her. She looks SO much like Ben. she is just a cutie. I had GSB (Strep B) for the pregnancy so i was on anti-biotics for the labor and the drs wanted to monitor Olivia to make sure she didn't get it. but we left today about 1230 and she was doing just fine. it is nice to have her home. ben is off work until wed and so we are looking forward to spending time with our new family. we will show her off soon enough, but we are loving her and the whole process of getting to knowing her.
Good job Katie. I can't wait to see the baby. I am so happy for you guys. When I was running my half-marathon I kept thinking I could probably do this better if I had had kids because I know that pain would be way worse then what I was feeling and I might be able to push through it mentally.
Anyways good job. I wish I was in California:(
Congrats.. Glad that it wasn't too bad once you got the epidural. I can't imagine a long labor like that! Big girl, very cute!
Yay Congrats to you and Ben! She is a doll! Enjoy being home with your new little family!
Wow, finally, and what a beautiful little baby. I can't wait to see her (but she will be two months old before I get to see her). But I understand that they just keep getting cuter so I will look forward to that. I hope you are back to normal (all healed up) soon Katie. Ben looks like a proud papa should. I'm so proud of you guys!
yay! so glad she's finally out:-) sorry they didn't keep your epideral going the entire time, SHEESH! slap that doc on the hand, shame shame! i have a feeling mine is going to be face up this time b/c of the anterior placenta, so hopefully she'll be a little smaller than brennan and faster to get out. congrats! let me know if i can help with anything:-) and i mean ANYTHING;-)
You survived!! Geesh that makes so many memories flood back. Bummer about the epidural wearing off. I think something always happens that you can't anticipate. So nice to know its all worth it in the end! I'm surprised you got to sleep at all through the night. I guess being on the epidural makes that possible. I couldn't sleep for the life of me between the contractions and the horrible hospital bed. I didn't have an epidural though. I know what you mean going so long without progressing. They used the tampon insert with me and I only went from 2cm to 4cm. Ugh! Luckily it was enough that my body did its thing on its own after that and quick! Isn't it amazing to feel the love you have for her and especially to see the bond your hubby has for the baby! Love it! Enjoy evern moment...they grow fast!!!!! I wonder if the vomitting was a side effect of the epidural? I vaguely remember that being one of the side effects they mentioned but maybe it was the pitosin. Either way you do what you have to do!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
congratulations. she is beautiful.
congatulaions! please tell your mom thank you for calling us and letting us know. enjoy being a mom, it's the best thing ever! :)
Beautiful little story, you have always had good intuition Katie! I am so happy for you 3 and can't wait to see more pics! Congrats! xoxo
love to see her p---y
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