well today is the day! we haven't had Olivia yet. she is taking her time.. i went walking for about an hour today and nothing! if i haven't had her by monday the dr is going to induce me...so we will see what happens. and the hospital bag is all packed..including my camera. so there won't be any new pictures until the baby comes!
oh, hold off and have her on ben's birthday.you're so close. that would be cool. enjoy your last couple of nights baby-free. you're probably not sleeping great, but at least there's no crying:)
Good luck! I was due on a monday with Taylor and they said they would induce me the following monday if I did not have her. I did not want to be induced. I kept trying everything to get her to come. I also hated when people would say "You haven't had that baby yet". I was lucky to go into labor late sunday night and had her the day I was to be induced. If they knew she was really 9lbs, they would have tried to induce sooner. It will happen soon for you and I wish you luck!!!!
LOVED LOVED LOVED being induced, although i don't really have anything else to compare it to;-) it was just nice to wake up, do hair and a little makeup, and walk in all calm and ready. part of me hopes they'll induce me again with this one. try to stay busy! have you washed all of the clothes yet? i wasn't going to, but i was so bored waiting for my induction that the day before i did 5 loads of laundry. made the day go by much faster;-)
I have an idea while you are waiting. email me
B5dance@gmail.com so I can give you baby announcment directions. Of course you don't have the pictures, but you can give me an idea of what you want the layout to look like so as soon as you do have pictures I can put them in and get them sent off to the printer. If you are up in the area we, I could even give you the envelopes and you can start addressing them. So many ideas.
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