well friends i have started a new adventure. I have started reading a lot more in the last few months and i LOVE it! i know that my desire for reading in the past has really been non existent, but since we got pregnant, i have read some really good books. so i have decided to keep on with my latest desire. I know that might change some when Lily comes along, but i will still try to get some reading in every day. I just finished the Baby wise book. MAGNIFICENT! i will definately give the schedule thing a try. hopefully i can get some sleep too. with anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks left, i have decided to start reading Emma, Jane Austen. This actually has me very excited. i have seen the movie( with gweneth paltrow) but it was so long ago. i don't even remember the story all that well. I have begun this journey and i can't wait.
yes i did say 2-4 weeks. I went to the dr yesterday and he said that he didn't want the baby to get too big, so he might induce me early. Well she is at 6.12 lbs right now, and i was 9.2 lbs, ben was around 8 lbs, so i expected a 8 or 9 lb baby. well i am not complaining though, i would love to have her come early! it would just make everything else grand! we will see. i am hoping that Heavenly Father will have mercy on me, and help me go into labor early, rather than being induced. it does kind of scare me. i just don't want it to make things get harder or longer....ya know? anywho....back to Emma.
8 lbs isn't that bad, Cohen was 8.2 and I thought he was pretty easy. I have been reading a lot lately also, I have tried to get into Jane Eyre a couple of times, but can't do it. Maybe I should try Emma..
I know you don't know me, since I know Ben, and haven't actually met you... so you can take my two cents for whatever you want - but please try not to get induced. Things will go so much better for you if you let things come naturally. I really do think it is better for both mama and baby. Plus those "guesses" on how much the baby weigh are usually off - I have a friend who had a c-section because they thought the baby was too big. Turns out it was 2 lbs LIGHTER then what they thought. I'm just sick of doctors telling the baby when to come out, rather then letting babies come out when they're ready. Anyways, that's just what I think. I am very "hippy" if you will when it comes to childbirth. :) Just remember Heavenly Father did create your divine body and it can handle whatever size blessing he gives you! Its not nearly as bad as you think its going to be! Good luck, and happy laboring!!
i LOVE reading. i got into it when dolly and i were living together in student ward. now i can't go to bed until i've grabbed my book. i have a book club on my blog, annoucing a new book today, if you're interested!
So when I was prego with my first, the Dr.'s told me that she would be about 6 lbs or smaller. That was after all the tests too. When she was born, she was 9lbs 2oz. Not to get you scared, but the doc's really don't know. Good luck on the book I love that one!
I love Jane Austin! I too didn't like to read much, but in the past few years I've really gotten into it. I love it! I'm looking for a new book right now. I'm so excited for little Brown! I was induced with Rylee and she came really fast once they broke my water. My experience wasn't much different with the ones I had on my own, but she was also my third. I've heard the horror stories but I've also heard them for people who are overdue and doctor's still won't induce them. Do what you feel comfortable with and listen to the spirit!
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