With the new year, Ben and I set up some resolutions. Ben's being weight management, have FHE every week, and daily scripture study. Mine, LOSE WEIGHT, Daily Scripture study and read 4 books within this year(1every 3 months. Non church, and Non Baby). Well i have chosen them. I am actually pretty excited. Let the games begin.

I purchased this when it came out, i think it might have been last year at this time. Have yet to read it. this will be the first i tackel.

Purchased this last year as well....have not made time to read it. can't wait to get to this one. Right around spring time...the time for love.

This is the #1 best selling book for non fiction. that is why i chose it.

this just sounded good.....
Wish me luck! and good resolution-ing to you all! ;)
The Help is awesome. I loved that book. I have heard Emma is great as well.
loved, "THe HElp"./ I didn't have time to read it, so I checked it our from the lib. on CD and listened while I drove up and down the hill. Loved it!
Ahh the help. I've had that on my to read list forever! If you get to it first let me know what you think!
You are going to love the help!!! A little slow start, but fantastic when it really gets going. I bought George w. For sean's dad and asked to borrow it after he was done:) if you have time for any others, I just read "the wet nurses tale" and it was one of my all time favorites. I thought it would be so boring from the title, but I loved it!
I love all your book choices and I love the pictures of Olivia in the snow but I love all the pictures of Olivia period. It's so fun to watch her discover each new thing. love you guys.
After I read your post and saw the comments about The Help I decided maybe I should read it too. I LOVED the book! I couldn't wait to get the twins to take their nap or go to bed at night so I could read. I finished it in about two weeks and loved it!
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