A few weekends ago, we had a super saturday at the church. it was fun! i always love these activities. i feel like they are just like homemaking from days of old. well this year, they had a few different things. both of the activities that i signed up for were wall hangings. i made a really cute one with the pictures that ben and i took at the temple, yet, on my way home, i stopped by michaels and got some things, i set the bag on top of one of the pictures and of course, the writing on the bag came off onto the picture. RUINED! so that project in on hold. i am actually waiting for bens brother to send me a copy of photoshop, so i can finish that one. the other project was a tile wall hanging. i still have yet to pick it up. it needed some repair. anywho...well with the skill that i learned from this specific wall haning project( turning a picture into a canvas to hang on the wall, i decided to spice up our wall a bit. i added a little ribbon and VIOLA!! the two center pieces were already hanging on the wall, they just needed a little more. so i added the bow on top of the
FAMILY, and then i made the two side pieces. all did was buy canvas at walmart, paint it black, spread modge podge all over the back of the picture and stuck that to the canvas, let that dry and then spread the MP all over the top of the picture and canvas. i then added the ribbon and bows. it was quite a fun activity.