Friday, August 29, 2008
Tender Mercies...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Jog in the park, slumber party, and camping!
this last few weeks were just great!! it started out by going on walk with my husband ben! i love him. one night we decided
that we would check out billie park. it was very nice!! we went on a little trail they had there and there was a "grotto". it was a small area on a trail and at the end was a little water fall. it was nice.
of course, ben and i were just the two of us, and so we couldn't take a picture of us both. so just one by one.
it was a fun date! we don't seem to do those much any more.
the next adventure we had was babysitting our nieces and nephew for the night. we had ally, 11, mady, 8, rylie, 5, and brayden, 1 1/2. it was fun but tiring. the girls were great and so was brayden for the evening and then when the night came, he did NOT want to sleep well. between ben and i, we were up with him until 5am. and 7am came around and that is when rylie wanted to watch hairspray. so i had to get up and watch hairspray. but it was fun. later that morning, we went back to billie park and had some fun.
trust me they were so cute to be around.... and they loved uncle ben!!
then camping at ft was fun. me and ben and his family. i got completely sun burnt! but it was worth it.
aaron took the pic and he did a great job huh!??!!!
we had fun, the beach was beautiful and we enjoyed hanging out. the best part was to come home and sleep in our own beds and not the floor.
Friday, August 1, 2008
here we go 'round the blueberry bush..