alright...i don't know about the rest of you, but i LOVE the salt lake temple. this past weekend, ben and i ventured out to utah. it had been almost 2 years since i was out there and about 3 for ben. it was a long awaited reunion. and being the wonderful picture taker that i am, i didn't take one single picture! so i stole this off of google. our trip began with driving out there on thursday. we left chico about 3pm. we finally reached sandy utah, to where we stayed with bens aunt nancy, about 4am utah time. we had to stop every 2 or 3 hours for me to use the bathroom, eat and then just get up and walk around. i was sick the entire time and we ran into a horrible snow storm in nevada. we put the chains on and by the time we got them on, 10 semi trucks or so, cleared the road, so we pulled over to take them off. we slept in until about 9am and then started our day. we layed around for a while when everyone was at work, and watched a little judge joe brown, then headed to temple square. it was nice to just walk around and hang out. ben and i both love looking at stuff, so we took our time looking at the MASSIVE paintings of Christ. we went to the distrabution center and got ben his first set of temple clothes and me some maternity g's. they are great! then we went to bens reunion friday night. it was fun to watch him. i thought he might pee his pants when he saw some of these elders he served with. and then whole time, they just reminded me over and over that "elder brown was a major sister hater". yeah, funny how we got together. then sat we went to the afternoon session of conference. it was so fun! ben had never been to a conference session. we had really good seats too. we then hung out with family for a little bit and then i went to have a MUCH needed reunion with my friends from high school...beth smailes(taylor), courtney lee and Deanna Madsen(Dickerson). it was so fun! just to hang out and talk! it had been 2 years since i saw beth and i missed her so much! we hung out until midnight and i couldn't stay up anylonger!! sunday we slept in and headed back...it was definately a nicer trip back. it was sunny the entire time! we loved it and can't wait to go again!