this past week has been rough! we moved in to our new apartment. it is nice to have a small place. we just didn't realize how much CRAP we have! anywho..i took this past week off of work so that i could move and clean and all that...well, this by far has been the worst week ever! i could only clean and move for about 2 hrs before i had to lay down and pull the bucket next to me. i can't eat anything, and then i am starving! the only thing that sounded semi good last night was cheez-its. ben got me some saltines and they have been heaven today for my first day back at work. it was nice to have a week off though. ben just kept telling me not to get used to it. anywho...i feel better today..and i hope it gets better. 3 weeks to go and i will be in the 2nd trimester. as soon as we actually get everything put away, i will post pics of our apartment. just because we moved doesn't mean that we have everything in its place. :)