Thursday, August 13, 2009

Olivia Ann's first picture.

Well we had our 3D ultrasound at 30 weeks. This is what we saw. She is so cute! I can't wait to see more. the other picture that we have is a little better, but i already framed that one, so this is the next best.


chats said...

Ha, I love it. Did you scan the other picture before you framed it? Sometimes ultrasound pictures end up losing their quality after a while.
I love my hair, thanks!

Em said...

that is so awesome. we didn't get to do the 3D with brennan. did you hospital offer it or did you go somewhere else?

Beth said...

Oh Katie Girl! She looks beautiful! She better be as feisty as you! I love that you are having a girl... it totally suits you! LOve you girl.

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